Blog created specifically for design and functionality experiments. Posts will contain current experiments and their results. This blog is browser specific until otherwise stated. Recommended browser family Mozilla.
I am checking DNS propagation today. The ftp directory for the title link came online just before I posted this; however one still cannot load the site as yet.
I will go out for coffee come back and check again as this may be a wait for server update rather than for DNS prop. We shall see...the whole WWW is My lab after all!
This blog best viewed with Mozilla FireFox (actually will NOT display correctly in IE)
If I can do this with a template, so can anyone else! The site this template came from is linked to the title.
Anyone who likes what I did here is encouraged to go up to the site and ask the owner for paid customization of a template for a blog. Get your customization, then get the css code from any template on here to make the blog functional. If you know style sheets and XML like the back of your hand even better!
Webtemplateszone has a batch of lively templates, none of which were set up to be used for blogs I believe, rather websites. but they can be converted...with good result. I am considering asking if I may make a blog showcase of some of My favorites.
Another thing one can do, as I am testing the functionality of Blogspot, is make a post that actually contains a chat room. Chat courtesy of MultiCity, hosting both free and purchased versions. No password needed; simply put in a handle and click connect.
I have been coding HTML since 1995. Give me Notepad and a few moments and I can build you a basic web page. I will need to get hold of and inform the designer of this template that her index page does NOT embed the flash intro...I had to do it by hand; yet the demo of it works fine. I wonder what happened here.
This started as a web site template, rather than a blog template. I will set up hosting for the other links as I develop them. Then have the designer fully customize the links on the pentagram intro graphic.
An earlier successful site design experiment is linked to the title. That one was hand coded from scratch, with gif files converted to Flash using Gif2Swf.