Friday, September 24, 2004

The "Changeling" Blog

This blog best viewed with Mozilla FireFox (actually will NOT display correctly in IE)

If I can do this with a template, so can anyone else! The site this template came from is linked to the title.

Anyone who likes what I did here is encouraged to go up to the site and ask the owner for paid customization of a template for a blog. Get your customization, then get the css code from any template on here to make the blog functional. If you know style sheets and XML like the back of your hand even better!

Webtemplateszone has a batch of lively templates, none of which were set up to be used for blogs I believe, rather websites. but they can be converted...with good result. I am considering asking if I may make a blog showcase of some of My favorites.

This is a template experiment. Click no links on the Pentagram as the rest of the site it leads to is still under construction.