I am Very Curious
I sometimes wonder exactly how many people from how many places visite any site I own.
The curiousity has gotten too hard to bear, so I will attempt to correct this thusly. For the months of January and February, all who visit The HypnoGoddess through this blog are asked to complete the following tasks; a) comment to this post with the following information: age, gender, geo, hair/eye color. Names are not necessary.
Geo is location for those who may be acronymically challenged.
b) click the title link to visit the site it leads to, and if interested, play at least one selection from the Artist's song list.
c) if the visitor is a blogger, whether or not he reached this site through BlogExplosion, he make the site link on his comment his blog so that I may reciprocate with a visit. Who knows? I might have you Blogmarked already!
The curiousity has gotten too hard to bear, so I will attempt to correct this thusly. For the months of January and February, all who visit The HypnoGoddess through this blog are asked to complete the following tasks; a) comment to this post with the following information: age, gender, geo, hair/eye color. Names are not necessary.
Geo is location for those who may be acronymically challenged.
b) click the title link to visit the site it leads to, and if interested, play at least one selection from the Artist's song list.
c) if the visitor is a blogger, whether or not he reached this site through BlogExplosion, he make the site link on his comment his blog so that I may reciprocate with a visit. Who knows? I might have you Blogmarked already!
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